Our products

PMG-2 Proton Magnetometer and Gradiometer
- High resolution
- Excellent accuracy
- Profile/base station measurement
- Wide range of the measured field
- Internal non-volatile memory up to 1 800 000+ readings
- Vertical or horizontal gradient configuration
- USB interface
- Mineral exploration
- Archaeology
- Ferrous ordnance detection
- Buried pipes location
- Environmental studies
KM-7 Magnetic Susceptibility Meter
- High resolution
- Excellent accuracy
- Wide measuring range
- Internal non-volatile data memory
- Single & Scan mode of operation
- Measuring pin
- GPS connection via Bluetooth
- Mineral exploration
- Measuring on drill cores
- Archaeology

GS-512i Portable Gamma Ray Spectrometer
- 512 channels in the range of 0,1 to 3 MeV
- Eight regions of interest (ROI) set from the panel
- Internal memory for up to 7500 complete spectra
- Pile-Up rejector to detect and discard double peaks
- Automatic spectrum stabilization using typically 137Cs or 133Ba isotopes
- PC program for transfer and processing data
- Possible control from PC
- Assay mode – K, U, Th in % or ppm
- Dose rate in nG/h
- Test pad calibration
- Detector NaI 3″x 3″
- Large LCD graphical display
- GPS connection via Bluetooth
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